Publised date : 19 Sep 2023

Perthshire North MSP, Mr John Swinney, has welcomed the introduction of the new Carer Support Payment in Perth and Kinross following the First Minister’s announcement of improved support for unpaid carers in his Programme for Government.

From November, adults living in Dundee City, Na h-Eileanan an lar and Perth and Kinross can apply for the new Carer Support Payment, and those already in receipt of Carer’s Allowance automatically receiving the new payment instead from February 2024. Unlike previous support, the payment will be available to unpaid carers who are studying full-time.

The Scottish Government says the benefit will be rolled out nationally from Spring next year, resulting in an improved service to carers and joining up with wider services to ensure better access to information on the wide range of support available.

Commenting, Mr Swinney said:

“This new Carer Support Payment, delivered by the SNP Scottish Government, will ensure vital support is available to more unpaid carers than ever before in Perth and Kinross.

“Once rolled out fully next year, the benefit will be available to over 80,000 carers, including 1,500 who are at present unable to access support because they are excluded from DWP support as they are studying full-time.

“At time of continued Tory cuts and significant cost of living pressures on households, the SNP Scottish Government is determined to mitigate the effects of Westminster incompetence and deliver meaningful support to those who need it most. 

“This is the 14th benefit provided by Social Security Scotland and reaffirms the SNP Scottish Government’s commitment to ensuring that those who care for the most vulnerable are appropriately recognised and able to access other opportunities in areas like education.

“This payment is a fundamental part of the First Minister’s plan to reduce poverty and support both carers and people who are cared for. I encourage everyone who is eligible in Perth and Kinross to apply for the Carer Support Payment via the local authority from November this year.”

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